
All posts tagged Twilight

10 Ridiculous Performances That Totally Derailed A Movie

Published March 10, 2014 by gossipzoo

TriStar Pictures

TriStar Pictures

A ridiculous performance can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending entirely on the context in which it is deployed. In a wildly over-the-top film, it can complement the wacky tone already established. In something a little more serious-minded, it can totally derail everything, ruining our suspension of disbelief and pulling us out of the narrative.

Though a ridiculous performance will often save a bad film from being outright awful (or at least lend it some perverse comic merit), it can also undo all of the good work that everyone else is aiming for.

These 10 films vary wildly in quality, from the genuinely quite good to the outright awful, but whatever progress they were at, their intentions were totally thrown off course by an actor who, either intentionally or by accident, decided to ham it up for the cheap seats, stealing the show either for better or for worse.

Of course, if there any classically absurd performances I missed, or you disagree about these actors derailing said movies, let me know in the comments!

10. Hayden Christensen (Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones)

Anakin Skywalker

20th Century Fox

Hayden Christensen is not a terrible actor, despite what many believe. He is downright excellent in Shattered Glass, yet one has to imagine where all that talent has gone considering he’s best remembered for giving a brutally awful performance as Anakin Skywalker in Episodes 2 and 3 of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

Though he distinctly improves in Episode 3, and having better material to work with certainly didn’t hurt, in Episode 2 Hayden smacks of an actor totally out of his depth, with no idea of what he’s doing. Of course, being saddled with some of George Lucas’ most infamously ropey dialogue did him no favours.

Still, his interpretation of the famous sand speech while speaking to Padme leaves a lot to be desired. One might forgive him if he clearly knew that the lines were godawful and just decided to have a laugh with it, but his solemn, self-serious line reading only makes the hokey romantic gulch seem that more idiotic. Nobody really gets out alive in this film, but watching Hayden’s performance in this film is like observing a car crash in slow motion.

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10 Tips To Land The Girl Of Your Dreams (As Suggested By The Movies)

Published December 11, 2013 by gossipzoo

Twilight Twilight

So! You’ve had your eye on a certain lady for some time now but don’t quite know how to proceed? Fear not, basement dwellers – you’ve come to the right place!

While some guys are born knowing how to get women falling for them left, right and centre, sadly this is not common knowledge and some need a helping hand. This is where I come in. There’s a lot to be said for using films as a playbook for dealing with the ladies. It wouldn’t be the greatest idea to use anything from movies like Carrie as a guide but thankfully I’ve sorted through the rabble and assembled a few tips for you.

Sit back, relax and let me take you on a journey that will hopefully end up with you as the leading man.

Let’s begin, gentle reader…

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4 Worrying Life Lessons The Twilight Saga Teaches Young Girls

Published August 12, 2013 by gossipzoo

Edward and Bella

I’m sure that (for the most part, at least) I’m preaching to the choir when I say that Twilight is awful. It’s the worst thing to happen to pop culture since… well, I can’t think of anything anywhere close.

For the purpose of this article, I’m willing to put aside the fact that the books are laughably badly written pieces of garbage that are only successful because of pre-pubescent girls who don’t know how to have a boyfriend. I’m willing to ignore the fact that the films, as films, are laughably badly written and acted pieces of garbage that are only successful because of pre-pubescent girls who don’t know how to have a boyfriend. I can ignore those things (well, I can’t, but I won’t use them as reasons in this article, I swear!).

However, this doesn’t change the fact that there are some pretty ridiculous messages that the book sends out and, when you consider the age group of the people reading them, this is quite worrying. Bearing in mind that I have only watched the first two films and have read little more than extracts of the book with no context. Here are just a few, each of them taken from the first two films alone.

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Lily Collins Goes From Princess To McQueen!

Published December 16, 2012 by gossipzoo


And here we thought Breaking Dawn-palooza was over.

Lily Collins accompanied boyfriend Jamie Campbell Bower to a charity screening of Breaking Dawn – Part 2 in Hong Kong on Thursday.

For the charitable occasion, Lily was dressed to the nines in a hummingbird and dragonfly print Alexander McQueen dress, nude pumps and matching knuckleduster clutch.

Lily looks great, but we can’t say the same about Jamie.

Would it kill him to brush his hair? Or even wash it!?


[Image via AP Images.]

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Touch Down In The States After A London Thanksgiving!

Published November 26, 2012 by gossipzoo


After seemingly endless promotional duties for the release of Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are still together!

And now, they’re back in the States!

The famous pair arrived at JFK airport Friday after reportedly spending their Thanksgiving across the pond in London with R-Patz’s family, and as you can see (above), they look put together but understandably jet-lagged!

Then again, our KStew does look a little grumpy!

Perhaps having to face the family members of the man you cheated on over the summer with your director made this trip more than its share of uncomfortable!

But hey! They’re still standing strong, so we have a feeling that even if there were a little awkwardness, it’s all been resolved!

Here’s hoping it can stay that way from here on out!

[Image via Splash.]

Tags: back together, breaking dawn part 2, family, jfk airport, kristen stewart, london, promotional campaign, reconciled, robert pattinson, thanksgiving, the twilight saga

Hollywood DOMINATES Thanksgiving! Biggest Box Office For Holiday Weekend On Record!

Published November 26, 2012 by gossipzoo


Talk about a happy Thanksgiving, Hollywood!

This holiday weekend broke box office RECORDS by making the most money during both the Wednesday-Sunday and Friday-Sunday grosses ever seen, no doubt thanks to the respective releases of Breaking Dawn – Part 2 and Skyfall!

That’s right, the final segment in The Twilight Saga had the biggest second weekend for any of the movies in its franchise so far with $43.1 million, which means it’s made $227 million in the States alone, and $577.7 million WORLDWIDE!

Yup, we’re talking HALF a billion dollars right there!

Meanwhile, the newest Bond movie didn’t do too shabby itself, with $36 million alone this weekend, which upped its domestic total to $221.7 million…the highest-grossing in its franchise! Oh, and worldwide, it’s put away $494 so far!

Of course, that put quite a dent in the newly released Rise of the Guardians, having only made $24 million so far!

But seriously! Was there any way it stood a chance with THOSE two mammoth blockbusters?!

Yeah, we didn’t think so!

Ch-ch-check out a full list of the box office top ten…AFTER THE JUMP!!!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, $43.1 million
Skyfall, $36 million
Lincoln, $25 million
Rise of the Guardians, $24 million
Life of Pi, $22 million
Wreck-It Ralph, $16.8 million
Red Dawn, $14.6 million
Flight, $8.6 million
Silver Linings Playbook, $4.6 million
Argo, $3.9 million

Tags: breaking dawn part 2, domestic, record-breaking, rise of the guardians, skyfall, thanksgiving, the twilight saga, weekend, worldwide

Kristen Stewart’s Shocking Style Switch-Up: Look of the Day (PHOTOS)

Published November 7, 2012 by gossipzoo

Things are looking brighter for Kristen Stewart — and not just in the romance department.

The pouty Twilight star traded her … well, pout, along with her moody style, for a smile and fresh new look, donning a colorful Peter Pilotto printed dress and rosy cheeks for an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Though Stewart has been coordinating her off-duty style — jeans and a baseball hat — with on-again boyfriend Robert Pattinson, she’s been standing out with her bold on-duty style during promotional appearances for her latest films.

The actress so rarely deviates from her signature palette of dark neutrals and deep jewel tones, save for the occasional pop of white for contrast, or her equally moody makeup (read: smoky eyes and vampy burgundy lips), that when she does, she knocks the fashion world’s stilettos off.

The last time we saw Stewart rock a bright hue was at the Balenciaga Spring 2013 Show during Paris Fashion Week, when she nearly stopped traffic with her yellow leather jacket. During her Parisian style switch-up, Stewart tempered her shock to the sartorial system by pairing the bright Balenciaga bomber with a nearly all-black ensemble.

But this time, Stewart didn’t hold back. Brightening her entire look, the Twilight star not only embraced a vibrant palette of hot hues, but the actress also rocked a bold, and, dare we say, fun, tribal print.

from tomboy to trendsetter: see how kstew’s style has evolved

45 Photos

Pairing the eye-catching frock with just a delicate silver bracelet, classic black pumps, and nothing else, kept the playful pattern in-step with KStew’s sleek, sophisticated style.

While Stewart’s colorful frock was certainly a dramatic departure from her usual fashion choices, what really caught our eye was how she livened up her complexion by trading the vampy hues she usually sports on the red carpet in favor of natural, rosy makeup and a tousled ponytail for a fresh, unfussy look.

What do you think of Stewart’s rare — and vibrant — departure from her dark, edgy style?

Click through our gallery for more of Stewart’s bold Breaking Dawn style. Which printed ensemble do you prefer?

See what Stewart had to say about Bella and her style in the video below.

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KRISTEN STEWART: I Kept My “Breaking Dawn” Wedding Ring

Published November 5, 2012 by gossipzoo

Celebrity gossip websites have just learned that KRISTEN STEWART actualy kept her “Breaking Dawn” wedding ring.

Awww! How sentimental of her!


During the first “Breaking Dawn – Part 2” press junket, which was also the first time Kristen Stewart and boyfriend Robert Pattinson appeared together for an interview following her shocking cheating scandal in July, the actress admitted to taking home some of the props from the five “Twilight” movies-including the wedding ring from when Bella married Edward in the first “Breaking Dawn” film.

She told reporters:

“I kept the rings… The rings are really important to me. [Bella’s] mother gives her a moon ring in the beginning and [it] completely reminds me of [the first film’s director] Catherine Hardwicke every time I look at it.”

When asked if she also pocketed Bella’s wedding ring, Kristen replied:

“I have that too… Those are really, really extremely important to me. I love [them].”

Photo Via The “Breaking Dawn” Official Website