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8 Incredibly Iconic Items In Great Movies

Published February 12, 2014 by gossipzoo

Mattel Hoverboard Back To The Future

Every movie has character and story, but sometimes what really makes a narrative move is what those characters want and why the story is even being told in the first place. This usually involves an item. A single item. Nothing more. It can be money or a diamond or a letter. It can be something that the characters will kill to get or kill to protect. An item can tell us everything we need to know about a character or story without anyone having to say it or it can morph a character into something completely different.

Story driving items in film can be the life and blood of a movie. Sometimes it can create an entire franchise. An item can be a reflection of the audience. It can represent our greed, lust, or ambition. It helps us relate with the characters and get more involved with the stories on screen. We may want the same item as bad as the protagonists or we understand why something would be so fantastic to have.

Here, I present a quick list of 10 iconic items from great films where I hope to touch on their presence in the film and why they are great as samples of items that push a film to great heights and why they have become iconic in image. I will avoid living beings, cars, and animated features, to focus the list.

So here is a top eight rundown of great film items that force themselves at the center of the film’s attention…

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10 Tips To Land The Girl Of Your Dreams (As Suggested By The Movies)

Published December 11, 2013 by gossipzoo

Twilight Twilight

So! You’ve had your eye on a certain lady for some time now but don’t quite know how to proceed? Fear not, basement dwellers – you’ve come to the right place!

While some guys are born knowing how to get women falling for them left, right and centre, sadly this is not common knowledge and some need a helping hand. This is where I come in. There’s a lot to be said for using films as a playbook for dealing with the ladies. It wouldn’t be the greatest idea to use anything from movies like Carrie as a guide but thankfully I’ve sorted through the rabble and assembled a few tips for you.

Sit back, relax and let me take you on a journey that will hopefully end up with you as the leading man.

Let’s begin, gentle reader…

The post 10 Tips To Land The Girl Of Your Dreams (As Suggested By The Movies) appeared first on WhatCulture!.