the hobbit an unexpected journey

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Spend 7 Minutes In Heaven With The Hobbit And LOVE Every Second!

Published November 23, 2012 by gossipzoo


The Ring! it’s nearby — we can SENSE it!

Or maybe we’re sensing Zac Efron, they both give us that tingling sensation in our pantaloons, it can be confusing!

Either way, we’re tote-tacular excited for Peter Jackson‘s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey!

If your imagination wasn’t already engorged and ready to blow, ch-ch-check out the new seven minute preview of part one of the J.R.R. Tolkien adaptation (above)!

Lions, and tigers, and bears, Hobbits, and wizards, and dwarves, oh my!! It’s foreplay for the soul!!

The movie premieres December 14, so call your travel agent and book a trip to Middle Earth today!

Tags: bookz, film flickers, jrr tolkien, middle earth, peter jackson, preview, the hobbit, the hobbit an unexpected journey, the ring, trailer, zac efron