Hilaria Baldwin

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Alec Baldwin Pinned a Paparazzi to a Car for Taking Pictures of His Wife

Published January 9, 2014 by gossipzoo

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin, anti-paparazzi activist, went vigilante on a photographer Tuesday in New York, after he took some pictures of his wife Hilaria.

The Baldwins were walking near their West Village home when photographers started to take their picture. According to the New York Post, the two ducked into a tea shop to avoid the photographers, but when one followed them in, Baldwin lost his temper. Photos then show Baldwin holding the photographer against a car and speaking to police after they were called to the scene.

However, if you’d like to read an account with more synonyms, I might suggest this New York Daily News piece. The article describes the event, sure, but it’s mostly dedicated to finding new ways to describe the people involved. It calls the unnamed photographer involved a “freelance photographer,” “the lensman,” and “the unshakable snapper.” It also describes Baldwin as “the 30 Rock star,” “the Emmy winner,” “new dad” and “the habitual hothead.” The Daily News, which claims to have “obtained” the photos (Daily News-speak for “purchasing them from a photo agency”), also describes each picture in excruciating detail. The writeup features one, calling it, “[a] pick [sic] of Hilaria taken at the scene [that] shows the brunette beauty wagging her finger at someone with a stern look on her face.” Oh well if she wagged her finger…

The Daily News‘ kicker painstakingly mines Hilaria’s Twitter feed for more information:

Hilaria did not immediately address the Tuesday morning mayhem on her Twitter page.

“Since giving birth, the word ‘love’ has taken on a whole new meaning. Its depth, and intensity are overwhelming in the most welcome way,” she tweeted Monday.

TMZ reports that both Baldwin and the photographer declined to press charges.