
All posts tagged role

Zac Efron Is Falling For Us!!!

Published April 3, 2013 by gossipzoo

Zac Efron Falling Movie Role

Hey there, Zac Efron! Did it hurt? When you starred in The Falling?

…okay, so it doesn’t quite work as a pickup line, but at least it’s true!

The High School Musical heartthrob is moving on from romantic indies and teaming with super-producer Akiva Goldsman for…

Okay, we don’t really know. They’re keeping a tight lid on the plot for this supernatural script.

But with the name The Falling and Zac’s divine looks, we’re guessing he’s playing an angel.

And all we can say to that is — send us an angel! Right now!

[Image via TNYF/WENN.]

Tags: acting, akiva goldsman, film, high school musical, movie, producer, role, the falling, zac efron